

 (PASSCU Accredited Level II)

General Objective

The Notre Dame of Tacurong College Grade School Department aims to provide the pupils with knowledge and develop skills, attitudes and values in the light of Christian living towards the development of a well-integrated life, awareness of and responsiveness to the demands of an ever changing society.

 Specific Objectives

  1. Provide opportunities in practicing the Catholic Faith and internalizing spiritual values through the knowledge of the Church doctrines, active participation in the sacraments and living the commandments.
  2. Provide general education that affords a variety of  learning experiences adapted to the children’s developmental needs
  3. Provide knowledge and develop skills needed for further academic training with emphasis in English, Science, Mathematics and Filipino.
  4. Cultivate moral and social values and attitudes necessary for the preservation of  the environment, economic self-sufficiency and human development.
  5. Instill the ideals of citizenship and national discipline so that they may learn to cherish their national heritage, respect cultural diversity and identity for the attainment of national unity.
  6. Foster love and appreciation of literature, music, arts and sports as venues for cultural enrichment and discover or develop talents and potentials.
  7. Provide activities that will develop desirable work attitude and basic work skills and habits.